Friday, November 13, 2009

Our IF Nomination Thank You List (just in case we don't win)

So it’s with heartfelt thanks that we receive the Inside Film Awards nomination for Best Music Video. How did we get this far? Well, there’s a hell of a lot of luck involved, let me tell you. But wait, I’m not saying it’s the kind of random luck where we got picked out of obscurity from all the other bands - I mean let’s face it, it’s not a bad lookin’ video. No, I’m talking about the luck of knowing and being supported by some of the most amazing people in the solar system. For that, we’re INCREDIBLY lucky. So now it’s time to thank them.

First of all, the star of the show, without whom there would be no video at all, Australia’s hottest Auslan interpreter, the one, the only, Simone Ellen. A round of applause please. What a champ. Need I say any more?

Equally ‘hot’, but in a cinematographic (as well as aesthetic) sense, is Stewart Thorn, who was the director of photography on the shoot. Not only has Stew donated his amazing skills to the band on numerous occasions, but he’s also the band’s unofficial publicist, constantly harassing people both digitally and randomly in the street with his strong views about the band. What a way to make us feel loved. L E G E N D.

We should also thank Lorin for lending him out so often, and for being another L E G E N D.

Anyone know what grading is? No, it doesn’t happen at schools, it happens in big computers, and it can make your movie look dull and overcast one minute and gloriously sunny the next. And it’s damn hard! So we were incredibly lucky to have Cail Young and Pete Wells at Inspiration Studios, fast becoming THE production house in Melbourne, making the clip look fantastic. Is there anything they CAN’T do? Call them and find out…

When you’re co-ordinating a tricky shoot like this was, you need a great beard on-hand, just to keep everything under control, and this was provided for us by the chin of Cam Matheson. Cam’s skills on a film set are so great that it’s rumoured he once 1st AD’d two shoots SIMULTANEOUSLY, IN DIFFERENT STATES, WITHOUT ANYONE NOTICING! Luckily, we had his full attention for this shoot, and would no doubt have been up the creek without him.

General legend Thom Holt was on-hand to carry the blow-up boat up and down the pier. Thom’s skills extend far beyond this though, and you can see has amazing handiwork on YouTube in our live Toff In Town clips, which he shot with his very cool mate Shelley. My debts to Thom go far beyond this video – it’s just another great example of his work.

So obviously Stew had to be walking backwards in order to film us all walking up the pier, right? Well the reason he didn’t end up in the water was that my dad, Steve, was marching behind him, guiding him along and out of the way of passer bys, poles and dog shit. Unglamorous, but absolutely vital. Thanks Dad!

Also marching up and down the pier was my mum, Ingrid, who is about the most reliable and dedicated person on the planet. “Hey Mum, come and march up and down St Kilda pier in the freezing cold for two hours!” “OK”. “Oh, and learn this sign-language” “Sure thing”. Where would I be without her? Nowhere. Literally. Thanks Mum.

Mitchell Ward, aka Mitch Paxton, aka M.Pax was on-hand to weave his suave and debonair aura into the video. As well as being an incredibly faithful supporter of the band, Mitch is also an amazing singer, guitarist and songwriter and you should get along to one of his gigs if you can.

Also Auslaning it up was my sister, Hannah, another invaluable supporter of the band, and general all-round cool person. Still dragging you along to be in my silly movies, hey? Nothing ever changes.

Then of course there was the OTHER Hannah, whose contributions to the band also go far beyond marching up and down the pier in the cold. Hannah can also be credited with getting us some of our first gigs and, most importantly, with introducing us to our first manager, Orvo, who is next on the list.

Orvo’s hard-work and dedication to the band was awesome and The Little Stevies are incredibly lucky to have had, and still have, his amazing support. Without him, we’d never have been in the position to be making music videos, or touring around the country, or dinking each-other home from the Queenscliff Pub. But that’s another story...

We shot this video while Josh Barber was still easing his way into being a Little Stevie – a damn shame, although he still made an amazing contribution to the video by suggesting, right after we’d met him, that we contact Cameron Louis-Gleeson (another massive thank you), who put us in touch with Simone. And now we’ve come full circle.

I’ve probably forgotten someone, although hopefully I’ll remember and get to update it before they notice. Now it’s time to start putting a list of thank yous together for our new video for Dink You, which comes out NEXT TUESDAY, PEOPLE!!! Mark it in the diary! No, don’t bother, you’ll probably get spammed about it.

Lastly, I’d like to thank Dog.



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